Ask Pastor John

Will I Suffer My Singleness Forever?

Single Christians may be tempted to despair over missing the experience of marital love. But God himself will see to it that our joy is eternally full in Christ.

On Creepy, Darker Media

Since the Bible calls Christians children of light, should darkness and violence have any place in the stories we create?

On So-Called ‘Gender Pronoun Hospitality’

Should Christians show so-called “gender pronoun hospitality”? Pastor John shares practical ways to speak the truth in love with those confused about their sexuality.

Christian Thankfulness: What It Is (and Isn’t)

What is Christian thankfulness? Pastor John commends the power of a heart filled with gratitude to the Giver of every good gift.

‘Help, I’m Struggling to Believe Anything Is True’

When we continually struggle with doubts and unbelief, how can we know what is true? How can we believe that truth even exists?

Will We See God in Eternity?

Will we be able to see God when we get to heaven? If so, how does that fit with Scripture passages that say no one can see God?

What’s True and False in Job?

How do we discern what’s true and what’s false in Job? Pastor John provides a grid for the entire book to help us interpret it accurately.

Can a Church Require Tithing?

Should church leaders require Christians to tithe since God commanded tithing in the Old Testament? Pastor John commends a better approach.

Can We Know Truth with Complete Certainty?

Arguments, logic, and careful analysis may give us 99 percent certainty for some doctrine or truth claim. But what about the remaining 1 percent?

Ministry After God Takes a Beloved Wife

Why did God take the life of Ezekiel’s wife and then command Ezekiel not to mourn? Pastor John considers the perplexing yet merciful ways of God.

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