Ask Pastor John

I Want God’s Wrath on My Enemy

How can we love our enemies when they treat us horrifically? Pastor John appeals to six biblical realities to help us face unimaginable darkness.

How Not to Respond to Suffering

“Curse God and die.” Why does the author of Job relate the apparent despair of Job’s wife? What purpose does she play in the message of the book?

Perfectionism Makes Me Indecisive — What Can I Do?

How can perfectionists make decisions without getting paralyzed by fear? Pastor John shares seven encouragements for those who feel stuck.

When Are Good Grades Good Enough?

How much should we sacrifice in order to do excellent work? Pastor John encourages perfectionists to find wisdom from a strong, spiritually mature community.

What Future Judgment Will Christians Face?

If Christians are no longer under wrath, why does Paul say that we will stand before God’s judgment seat? Pastor John clarifies the Christian’s future judgment.

How Much Money Do I Need to Retire?

How much money should we set aside for retirement? Pastor John commends three biblical principles to apply in our various contexts.

How God Guards You

Does God ultimately sustain our faith, or do we? Pastor John unfolds 1 Peter 1:4–5 to show how God guards us to the end.

Does Free Will Exist?

Do humans have free will — and if so, what is it? Pastor John considers the depravity of the human heart and the sovereign grace that saves us.

Do Christian Hedonists Deny Self-Denial?

Does God’s command to deny ourselves contradict Christian Hedonism? Pastor John clarifies the God-centered, pleasure-seeking aim of all Christian self-denial.

Joy’s Triumph over Spiritual Sloth

How does zeal for God relate to joy in God? With help from Jonathan Edwards, Pastor John traces the crucial connection in four steps.

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