Doctrine & Devotion

Abusive Pastors

Joe and Jimmy discuss the common marks of abusive pastors and toxic leadership. What are the signs of leaders who will do harm to the church? Below are 10 symptoms of abusive leadership. Toxic Leaders: 1. Avoid Unaccountability 2. Lack transparency 3. Demonstrate an arrogant/elitist spirit 4. Manipulate members 5. Have a Messiah Complex (I am the savior) 6. Have a Martyr Complex (I am persecuted) 7. Are harsh in the discipline of members 8. Maintain a painful exit process of members 9. Hate on other churches 10. Require extra biblical behavior RESOURCES For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on Sin (6.2-4)

Jimmy and Joe crack open the 1689 and look at chapter 6, paragraphs 2 through 4, to discuss the doctrines of original sin and total depravity. What is original sin, and can we really be guilty for what Adam did in the garden? How depraved are we? And what should these doctrines do in us who believe? THE BIBLICAL THEOLOGY GIVEAWAY! We are giving away 10 copies of the classic, Biblical Theology by Geerhardus Vos. Starting today, we will choose two winners each day through Friday from social media participants. For your chance to win a copy of this classic all you need to do is help spread the word about our 2019 conference on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. But you’ll need to follow the instructions below. On Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter copy and paste the information below, including the link, image, and hashtag, and you will be automatically entered into this giveaway. You can share often throughout the week to increase your odds at winning. Have you registered for the “best conference of 2019”? Check out Doctrine and Devotion’s Conference on Biblical Theology, featuring Dr. James Hamilton. #docanddevo19 For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

Self Examination and Deadly Sins

Today, the guys sit down to talk about reigniting one’s spiritual life through self examination. We all, at times, go through periods of spiritual stagnation and coldness. It is, in one way, an interruption in our communion with God. Because communion with God only flourishes when we understand the reality of our sin and God’s grace, we must regularly engage in self examination,(in which we consider our sins) and gospel meditation. One way of examining ourselves is to consider specific sins, in light of Scripture, and how they may be manifesting themselves in our personal lives. So, Joe and Jimmy take a brief look at the “seven deadly sins:” pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. Plus, Jimmy quotes Katy Perry, and Joe quotes Axl Rose. OUR SPONSOR Trace the Themes is a free Bible study by pastor Spence Shelton that will help you trace the themes of Scripture as they unfold from Genesis to Revelation. This free 6-part study is perfect for small groups, family devotions, or individual use and includes videos and a downloadable study guide. Start your free Bible study today by visiting For all the relevant links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

Joel McDurmon on The SJ&G

As Joe and Jimmy continue their discussion on the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel, they interview Joel McDurmon. Dr. McDurmon is critical of the statement and agreed to spend some time with the guys to share his perspective. Plus, Jimmy calls out Ed Stetzer’s goatee, and Joe CRUSHES Dr. McDurmon in a debate on cooking as husbands. It’s a great conversation we hope will encourage further discussion on the subject. To hear the discussion with Tom Ascol on the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel click here. Joel McDurmon, Ph.D., (on Twitter) is president of American Vision and has authored more than twenty books including: Restoring America One County at a Time; The Bible & War in America; Biblical Logic in Theory and Practice; God versus Socialism; The Return of the Village Atheist; and Jesus v. Jerusalem. Dr. McDurmon is also featured in several audio and video lectures on various topics of economics, apologetics, and church history. He has served with American Vision since 2008. Joel and his wife have four sons and one daughter. For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on Sin (6.1)

Today Joe and Jimmy are talking about the “Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof” from the 1689 Confession, chapter 6, paragraph 1. The guys consider man’s original state of righteousness, the covenantal context of life in the garden before the fall, the fall of Satan, the nature of satanic temptation and deception, and God’s purpose in it all. And how should these truths impact us experientially? Recommended Reading Getting the Garden Right by Richard Barcellos The Covenant of Works: Its Confessional and Scriptural Basis by Richard Barcellos The Origin of Sin by Herman Bavink (online excerpt) Our Sponsor: Zondervan Trace the Themes is a free Bible study by pastor Spence Shelton that will help you trace the themes of Scripture as they unfold from Genesis to Revelation. This free 6-part study is perfect for small groups, family devotions, or individual use and includes videos and a downloadable study guide. Start your free Bible study today by visiting For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

The Gospel and Its Implications

This time the guys post up at Joe’s house to record an episode discussing the gospel and its implications. The pull from an article from 9 Marks by Mike Bullmore titled, Gospel Implications. Plus, Joe breaks a house rule and Jimmy gets his shoes shined. Our Sponsor The NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible (general editor D. A. Carson) is the only study Bible built on Biblical Theology and will help you to marvel at the Big Story and savor the details of the history of redemption. Learn more at For all the relevant links and show notes check out this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on Providence and the Reprobate

Jimmy and Joe are on Joe’s back porch enjoying a Sunday afternoon talking through The 1689 Confession, Chapter 5, paragraphs 6 and 7. They explore God’s providential dealing with the reprobate and look at God’s hardening of hearts. Whom does God harden, and why? OUR SPONSOR The NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible (general editor D. A. Carson) is the only study Bible built on Biblical Theology and will help you to marvel at the Big Story and savor the details of the history of redemption. Learn more at For all the show notes and relevant links go to this podcast at — Inquiries:

Tom Ascol and the SJ&G Statement

We got a bonus episode for you all this Sunday! The guys invited Pastor Tom Ascol to come on the podcast to discuss his perspective on the Statement on Social Justice and The Gospel as one of the men behind the controversial statement. What was Tom’s motive and hope for helping to publish this statement? What was the rationale behind asking people to sign the statement? What is something Tom would like opponents of the statement to know about him? In light of how this is playing out so far, if he could go back, would he make any changes or do anything differently regarding the statement? We didn’t bring our brother on the show to pick a fight, but to gain clarity and insight over something we disagree on. Stay tuned, we will offer another interview with someone who is opposed to the statement. For more from Tom be sure to visit and check out his book, “Traditional” Theology & the SBC. For all the relevant links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

Masculinity with Paul Maxwell

The guys have Dr. Paul Maxwell in to talk about his perspective on masculinity. This conversation not only shows how complicated the issue of masculinity is, but also provides a helpful way to think through it in some fresh ways. Why is masculinity and femininity so controversial? Can we differentiate between the two in meaningful ways? This is deep stuff, so be sure to read his article or watch his video on The Crisis of Masculinity in a Postmodern Age. Go deep with Paul at his website, Selfwire, where Paul engages modern intellectual issues from a conservative Christian perspective. Be sure to subscribe to the Selfwire Podcast and his Youtube channel. You can also get fit with Paul at the Theofit website and podcast. And while you’re at it, check out Paul’s book, Pious Irreverence, published under his weird pseudonym, “Dov Weiss.” SPONSOR Trace the Themes is a free Bible study by pastor Spence Shelton that will help you trace the themes of Scripture as they unfold from Genesis to Revelation. This free 6-part study is perfect for small groups, family devotions, or individual use and includes videos and a downloadable study guide. Start your free Bible study today by visiting For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

The 1689 on Painful Providence

Jimmy and Joe are sitting in the office, talking about God's painful providences from the 1689 Confession chapter 5 paragraph 5. How should we seek to walk through God's painful providences? What are his divine purposes when his providence involve suffering? Plus, bar-b-q sauce! NOTE: The intellectual lightweights can forward to the 8:50 mark to skip the banter.  RECOMMENDATIONS The Providence of God by Thomas Watson (online) Behind a Frowning Providence by John Murray (free PDF download) OUR SPONSOR: Trace the Themes is a free Bible study by pastor Spence Shelton that will help you trace the themes of Scripture as they unfold from Genesis to Revelation. This free 6-part study is perfect for small groups, family devotions, or individual use and includes videos and a downloadable study guide. Start your free Bible study today by visiting For all the relevant links and show noters visit this podcast at — Inquiries:

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