
Faithful Desires

What if you want something good, and you’re not getting it? Is that the Lord trying to stamp that desire out of you for your good? If you’re not married but you want to be, are you just busy baking a casserole of sin in your heart? This week we talk faithful desires and when to give up the ghost. Join us!
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Death Positivity

This week we discuss whether or not humans should be cremated, buried, or used as compost. You’d be surprised at the differing opinions you’d find in Christendom, but has it always been this way? We also talk suicide as the victimless crime, and a Christian theology of funerals. Join us!
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The Third Way to Hell

This week we talk about the pernicious “third way”. The third way is the soothing middle ground that many so-called evangelicals often want to offer as an alternative. But what is it really? It’s a trapdoor to deconstruction. Join us as we talk about how to spot the third way and reject it.
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Addiction, the Protected Sin

Some of the people sitting in the pews on Sundays have pasts that would make nice church ladies blink very fast. We sit amongst former murderers, thieves, drunkards, and homosexuals. We know this because Paul tells us that such were some of us. Today, it is not considered “nice” to tell someone that “once a drunkard, NOT always a drunkard” but the mercy of the wicked is cruel. Let’s talk the protected sin: addiction.
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Consent vs. Covenant

You’ve probably heard that whatever “two consenting adults” want to do is their own business. In a worldview where there is no sky above us and everyone is busy imagining there is no heaven, whatever momentary desires surface become the standard for right and wrong. But the Bible gives us a better standard for what is right and wrong, and that is covenant. Let’s chat.
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The Food Episode

There are a million and one ways to sin with food, but there are also a million and one ways to bless and be blessed by food! If food stresses you out, grab a cookie and join us as we discuss how to love God and bless others with food!
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Suffering is Okay

This week we answer a listener question about what it means to “suffer well”. We consider several factors that change how we should view suffering, as well as what our Christian duty is towards suffering. Join us!
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Scattershot (with a life update)

Its our first long-distance episode! We haven’t recorded together in months, so we do a lot of life-updating: whatcha cooking? What movie do you wanna see in eternity? What have you been learning lately? Join us!
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Christians Do Hard Things

This week we talk the Christian work ethic and why it’s a good thing. If you’ve been feeling faint, we hope we can encourage you this week!
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The Deceitfulness of Pet Sins with Zach Conover (Part 2)

In part two of our conversation with Zach Conover we discuss the practical implications of fighting sin. What is required of us? What will it look like on a day-to-day basis? How do we recognize the fruit of deceit around us and refuse to participate in it? Join us!
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