
How to Eat Your Bible with Nate Pickowicz

We are so excited to be joined by pastor and author Nate Pickowicz to discuss the topic of his book, “How to Eat Your Bible”. We KNOW we should be in the Word, and we KNOW it’s spiritual food, but can we explain the WHY of any of it? Or what about the HOW? Pastor Pickowicz helps us think through these issues in this episode!
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Don’t Ever For Any Reason Do Anything to Anyone for Any Reason Ever No Matter What No Matter Where or Who or Who You Are With or Where You Are Going or Where You’ve Been Ever For Any Reason Whatsoever

In this episode we discuss what it looks like when we don’t know much, but we for sure know someone is committing the cardinal sin of being insensitive.
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What’s So Good About Being a Man? (With Guest Michael Foster)

What are men made for? What are women made for? How does the mission of a man and woman work together? In this episode we are joined by Michael Foster to discuss these kind of stupid questions because we live in a time where it is necessary.
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When a Lack of Shame is Shameful

Shame entered the world as a result of the fall, and there are times when it is right to feel ashamed, and times where it is wrong to feel ashamed. Don’t take your cues on this from the world.
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Bad Book Review: The Making of Biblical Womanhood

The internet is busy talking about the new book, “The Making of Biblical Womanhood”, which asserts that complementarianism is patriarchy, and patriarchy grieves Jesus. In this episode we assess some of Barr’s key arguments and ask what it is that women need to be set free from.
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Bad Movie Reviews

This week we are joined by a surprise guest to discuss what it means to be a bad movie reviewer. Can we think beyond “Disney bad”? Why is Christian content as formulaic as it is? What do we do about it? Join us!
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Wallowing is not a Virtue

Ever replayed a conversation in your head and said all of the things you wished you had said in the first place? Ever found yourself stewing over grievances? Struggled with contentment? Let’s talk about the ways we give passes to wallowing & how to overcome this fight with the flesh.
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Single & Satisfied with Nancy Wilson

Hey single ladies: this episode is for you! We are so excited to be joined by Nancy Wilson, author of Single & Satisfied, to discuss the Christian life for unmarried women. Join us!
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Contentment is a Virtue

The Apostle Paul learned how to be content while being held prisoner, and we lose our cool when someone has the nerve to drive in front of us. Our culture venerates being deeply dissatisfied, which means practicing contentment is a practice of swimming upstream. In this episode we discuss the virtue of contentment, and how looking to Christ orients us towards satisfaction.
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Missing 411

Join us as Summer tells the story of rare and strange missing persons cases that occur every year in our national forests. Is the “missing 411” classification coincidence, conspiracy theory, or proof that something unknown lives in our nation’s forests?
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