This week we discuss car cleaning habits and church going habits. Are we cheerful church goers, attending weekly with expectation and a readiness to hear the Word? Join us!
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You Know What I Mean
This week we talk about the importance of general truths, speaking in general truths, and not being the lady who is always looking for the loopholes. Join us!
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Pratty Pragmatism, Round 2
After a brief discussion about why restaurants in the South are terrible and which Great White Shark went crazy a few months back, we discuss the sin of pragmatism.
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Idle Chatter
In this episode we talk about an aspect of controlling our speech that often gets overlooked when we dither about making sure our kids never say mean words like “stupid.” But how seriously do we take warnings in Scripture against idle talk? Do we model being idle chatterers for our children? Let’s chat!
The post Idle Chatter appeared first on Sheologians.