Can God still be loving and personal if he is not susceptible to emotional change? How are we to think about God’s impassibility in light of his immutability? How can God be impassible if Christ has suffered on the cross? In this episode, Dr. Matthew Barrett is joined by Dr. Thomas Weinandy to discuss the… Download Audio
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Why we love the Bible (and read it with the Great Tradition): Credo Colloquy with Robert Yarbrough and Matthew Barrett
Welcome back to the Credo Colloquy, where leading theologians delve into the pressing issues of theology in today’s church. In this ongoing series, Credo Editor-in-Chief Matthew Barrett sits down with with Dr. Robert W. Yarbrough, exploring the vital relationship between biblical interpretation and theology. In their conversation, Barrett and Yarbrough discuss the essential need for… Download Audio
Podcast Throwback: Should theology inform exegesis? Matthew Barrett and Bobby Jamieson
We often approach the Scriptures as if we must keep all that theology out. We might even read the Old Testament as if we should not look ahead to the New Testament, lest we introduce theological doctrines which prejudice our exegesis. But could this approach rob us of those many riches that the history of… Download Audio
Introducing The Biblical Theology Podcast: Calvin’s Theological Agenda for Reading the Bible
This is the first episode in the brand new Biblical Theology podcast! We all use a theological key to interpret Scripture. The question is, is it a good one? John Calvin wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion, a summary of Christian doctrine, to give us a “key” to better read and understand the Scriptures. Drs. Bierig… Download Audio