In this episode of the Credo podcast, Sam Parkison and Ronni Kurtz continue their mini-series on classical theology. In this episode in particular, they discuss the classical doctrine of divine… Download Audio
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Did Calvin Murder Heretics?
Who was Michael Servetus and what was Servetus’ view of the Trinity? How does Servetus’ biblicism lead him to reject Nicene and scholastic trinitarianism? How does the sixteenth century historical context shed light on the execution of Servetus? How are we to understand Servetus last words? What role did Calvin play in the Servetus affair…and… Download Audio
Is God really the Perfect Being? Katherin Rogers and Matthew Barrett
In his Proslogion, Anselm famously contemplated God as “someone than whom none greater can be conceived.” If mere human beings, in their limited capacities, could think of something greater than God, that thing would not be worthy of worship. This concept is something the medievals took for granted. For them, the God of the Bible was… Download Audio
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