Thomas Schreiner describes his time at seminary and how first became interested in New Testament scholarship. Download Audio
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What’s Cultural and What’s Truly Christian? The Evangelical Crisis: Karen Swallow Prior and Matthew Barrett
Many of us have benefitted from evangelicalism and had our faith formed by it. However, evangelicalism these days is in a crisis mode. It has fallen prey to the constant lust for power and dominion, both politically and culturally. Evangelicalism’s emphasis on conversion and winning souls has turned into an enterprise focused more on getting… Download Audio
Trinity Drift: Simply Trinity (Part 1)
In this episode of the Credo Podcast, Matthew Barrett fields questions from Ronni Kurtz about his new book, Simply Trinity: The Unmanipulated Father, Son and Spirit (Baker). They discuss how, despite appearance, the glut of twentieth century literature about the Trinity does not constitute a Trinity resurgence, but rather a Trinity drift. They observe the ways… Download Audio
What is the Reformed View of Free Will?
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