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Should We Interpret the Bible Theologically?
Is it possible to approach the text of Scripture neutral, without a theological framework? What dangers exist in neglecting theology in the exegetical process? Should creeds and confessions throughout the history of Christianity play any role in biblical interpretation? What are appropriate ways to utilize dogmatic categories in exegesis? Why are the disciplines of theology… Download Audio
Is biblical theology enough?
Why must we not just think of God in terms of what he does in history but also who he is in himself? What are negative consequences to limiting ourselves to the history of redemption rather than also drawing theological conclusions about who God is in eternity? What is the relationship between biblical and systematic… Download Audio
Why I became an Evangelical Theologian: Matthew Barrett and Daniel Treier
Many view evangelicalism only in the political sense of the term, which may overlook and even diminish the rich theological tradition that is evangelical theology. Whether you joyfully consider yourself an evangelical or prefer to ditch the term altogether, evangelicals continue to work together with a steadfast commitment to primary doctrines of the faith despite secondary differences. To… Download Audio