Have you ever been under the delusion that someone would be giving you better advice if only they were….you? This week we talk about the trap of self-pity and secret knowledge. Join us!
The post If I Were You appeared first on Sheologians.
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Bad Therapy Review
This week we discuss Abigail Shrier’s book, Bad Therapy, what secular education is doing to our children, and why depression, anxiety, or some other mental illness are treated as cultural prerequisites to be a part of the in-crowd.
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The Audacity
Have you ever wondered how man sailed the high seas? This week we explain the audacity in telling the true but hardly believable tale of the shipwreck, mutiny, and murderous crew of The Wager. Join us!
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The Great Glitter Mystery
Do you know what glitter is? Maybe you do. Maybe you’re an expert on glitter. Will you be an expert at the end of this episode? No, but there is a lot to know about glitter that you may find interesting or unexpected. Very true to form, Summer and Joy discuss a topic that you thought required little discussion. Join us and laugh along the way.
The post The Great Glitter Mystery appeared first on Sheologians.