In this episode we discuss pregnancy cravings, being responsible for your emotions, and the proper mothering of emotions.
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Why Does Everyone Hate Me?
This week we talk about being hated. Are you hated, but it is all in your head? Are you hated for righteousness sake? Are you hated because you refuse to confess and repent? It is important to know the difference! Join us this week as we talk through what to do when “everyone” hates you.
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Idle Chatter
In this episode we talk about an aspect of controlling our speech that often gets overlooked when we dither about making sure our kids never say mean words like “stupid.” But how seriously do we take warnings in Scripture against idle talk? Do we model being idle chatterers for our children? Let’s chat!
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Your Flesh is the Thief of Joy
“Comparison is the thief of joy” they tell us over and over. But is it true? Is all comparison a thief? And why does sinful envy get to be rebranded? Join us!
The post Your Flesh is the Thief of Joy appeared first on Sheologians.