In this episode of the Credo Podcast, Sam Parkison and Keith Mathison continue their conversation on Mathison’s new book, Toward a Reformed Apologetics: A Critique of the Thought of Cornelius… Download Audio
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Credo Replay: Does God Suffer?
Can God still be loving and personal if he is not susceptible to emotional change? How are we to think about God’s impassibility in light of his immutability? How can God be impassible if Christ has suffered on the cross? In this episode, Dr. Matthew Barrett is joined by Dr. Thomas Weinandy to discuss the… Download Audio
Should we blame the Reformation for secularism? Matthew Barrett and Samuel G. Parkison
The Reformation has often been lamented, blamed for secularism, as if the Reformers cut the cord of participation in God by perpetuating the voluntarism and nominalism of their age. But in episode 2 of this mini-series, Sam Parkison asks Matthew Barrett, author of The Reformation as Renewal, to address the philosophical context of the Reformation.… Download Audio
How has idolatry inverted the image of God?
What does it mean to be made in the image of God? How was the image meant to function within the temple context of the garden of Eden? Why is Christ the true image of God and how does he image God in a way we do and do not? How does a biblical understanding… Download Audio