In this episode Joy tells the story of a missing hiker and a mysterious mountain in Japan. Join us for this unsolved true crime story time!
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The Putney Pusher
In this true crime story time Joy tells the story of the Putney bridge pusher—a mysterious runner who pushed a woman in front of a bus for no apparent reason. Although captured on several cameras, his identity seemed to be hidden from the public. Why?
The post The Putney Pusher appeared first on Sheologians. -
What About Sexual Assault?
In this episode the ladies talk about what feminism, #MeToo, and even the church has done in the conversation and work around dealing with sexual assault. Of course, the most important consideration in this discussion is what does God’s law have to say about these situations? Join us!
The post What About Sexual Assault? appeared first on Sheologians. -
Wallowing is not a Virtue
Ever replayed a conversation in your head and said all of the things you wished you had said in the first place? Ever found yourself stewing over grievances? Struggled with contentment? Let’s talk about the ways we give passes to wallowing & how to overcome this fight with the flesh.
The post Wallowing is not a Virtue appeared first on Sheologians.