Upcoming Trip, Then Story Time with Grampa Jimmy

Upcoming Trip, Then Story Time with Grampa Jimmy

Talked a bit about the upcoming trip, new new rig and studio, and the fact that HOPEFULLY next Tuesday we will do a live DL from the rig in the new studio AND at the same time auction off a gorgeous Jeffrey Rice LSB rebind (I am told on Twitter it is a “LSB 2 Column in Steel Grey Badalassi Carlo” whatever all that means). Then we talked about enough cultural insanity to make it necessary to not post this to YouTube, and finally we moved to Story Time with Grampa Jimmy, this time reading the unpublished, unfinished preface to a never-written commentary on Chrysostom’s homilies by John Calvin. Important historical insights to be gained! Pray for safe travel and that we will be able to do the DL from the new studio while on the road (somewhere in Texas) next week!

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