This week we talk the prominent cultural excuse for sin – I’m a victim! – and how it does not square away with reality or how we are to deal with our sin. Join us!
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Dumb Ideas & Common Sense
In this episode the girls discuss the beauty of speaking directly and fearing God instead of man. How does this translate into the way we speak in our homes and raise our kids? Join us!
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The Unsolved Mystery Around Angela Hammond
In this episode, after we discuss some fun listener emails, Summer tells the story of Angela Hammond. She was four months pregnant when her fiancé witnessed her being abducted. Thirty years later, a ransom note is released that might have clues to her whereabouts. Join us!
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Feminism is Poison to the Church
In our final installment of this year’s feminism series, we discuss the fact that feminism & christianity are not compatible. Are there “Christian feminists”? What does that even mean? Join us!
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