In this episode we talk why New Age practices are so mainstream. Ultimately, all of life is worship and there are only two religions. Let’s chat!
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Laughing at Yourself
If you’ve read a book lately you know that the character who can’t laugh at himself is the most obnoxious. In this episode we consider what it means to take criticism well and to lay aside the weight of being easily offended.
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The Tragedy of Ann Cooper Hewitt
It’s a feminist true crime story time! In this episode Summer tells the story of Ann Cooper Hewitt, who was involuntarily sterilized by her mother in order to steal her inheritance. The ensuing court case captured the attention of a nation that was on the leading edge of eugenics—the United States.
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Love God & Do as You Please
When the turn north looks as plausible as the turn to the east, how do you decide? This week we discuss the importance of loving God first, and how it directs our steps.
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