The Dividing Line will be LIVE at 1:00pm EST
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Mockery is not a Christian Virtue, then, the Carson/Huff Discussion
Last Road Trip DL for 2024 coming from Holbrook, Arizona this evening. Started off looking at Joel Webbon’s defense both of “anons” and using them to mock people “right off X,” naming Owen Strachan as an example. Then we discussed the encounter between Wes Huff, a Christian scholar and apologist, and Billy Carson, an Internet “influencer” of some kind, and Carson’s claims that Jesus was not crucified, etc.
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Frozen Road Trip Dividing Line
Started off with a little report on the desert rat traveling in sub-freezing weather, then discussed such things as Joe Rogan, Provisionism, guys pretending to be gals, Biden’s inevitable ultra-leftist SCOTUS appointment and the danger of self-driving cars. Quite a range of things!
Road Trip Dividing Line: Only 45 Minutes Today
Stumbled on a Soteriology 101 video asking if I am “right” about Matthew 23:37, so we dealt pretty fully with that new presentation for the first ninety minutes, then touched upon some other topics including Bart Barber’s amazing defense of Ed Litton. Mega edition, two full hours! I head out on Road Trip #2, heading for G3, so programs for