6:00pm Boulder CO 8/21/2022 South Boulder Bible Church
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Pope Francis, Andy Stanley, and Stephen Wolfe Walk into a Bar….
Well, I’m not sure how to blog all of this. Since we live streamed the presentation summarizing the case against Ergun Caner Tuesday evening from Lindale, Rich decided, “Hey, we can do that.” So, we are now live streaming the Dividing Line. I have no idea why anyone would want to watch me sitting there talking, but, evidently, people do.
Road Trip Schedule – December 7, 2022 – The Reliability of Scripture – Believers’ Baptist Church, 1133 Texas Avenue U, Emory, Texas
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Scripture and Tradition
Today we mainly looked at the first chapter of the London Baptist Confession of Faith and its beautiful and important testimony to the inspiration and sufficiency of Scripture. Hopefully encouraging for us all! I did look at a few statements made by folks at the beginning of the show, but tried to keep most of them relevant to the over-all topic.