Let’s Bring the Light of God’s Truth to Jehovah’s Witnesses
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A Saturday Dividing Line
I didn’t want an entire week to go by without a program, so we snuck one in just under the wire! Gave a bit of a report on where I am as far as surgeries and the like go (another in just over a week), and then I played a short clip from a dialogue Leighton Flowers did recently wherein he spoke of the Spirit’s role, or non-role, in salvation, that is very helpful in focusing upon the real differences between the Reformation and Provisionism, which, I allege in this program, is sub-Roman when it comes to its view of grace.
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Road Trip: Debate, Does John 6:44 Teach Unconditional Election? Leighton Flowers, First Lutheran Church, Houston, Texas, 3/7/24
A very interesting debate where both sides make strong cases, until one examines the other. Michuta makes a strong opening statement, however it is refuted by Dr. White during rebuttal. For the rest of the debate Michuta makes no attempt to deal with Dr. White’s countering evidence, and simply gives responses grounded in accusations of misunderstanding and deliberate mischaracterization. This