Adriel Sanchez

Why Does Sin Come Through Adam and Not Eve?

Episode 105 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. Dr. Horton, I recently read a book about someone having a dream about them going to hell and being told about Jesus. Does God work through visions and dreams? What should I think about their account of hell? 2. I have a friend who stopped going to church because he thinks that Christians are too intolerant. At first, I tried to object to that stereotype, but his interactions with other Christians haven’t been models of Christ-likeness. Some Christian people have treated him in very sinful ways and have said horrible things about him that I know aren’t true. What should I do to help my friend see that Jesus is bigger than our sin?  3. In Isaiah chapter 11 he speaks about a wolf dwelling with a lamb and a leopard lying down with a young goat. Is Isaiah talking about heaven? And does this mean that there will be animals in heaven? 4. When Jesus prayed that the church would be one it didn’t seem like he had in mind that there would be multiple denominations. How do we reconcile this with that fact that it would seem like God would answer Jesus’ prayer for unity? What should we as Christians be doing to achieve unity? 5. Revelation 22:17 say, “And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price.” Does this mean that anyone could be saved? And if salvation is free why don’t more people accept Jesus as Lord? 6. In the opening of 1 Corinthians Paul says that they are sanctified and they are saints. But throughout the letter it doesn’t seem like they are saints at all but childish and sinful. Was Paul being sarcastic or was he speaking literally?

Using Our Gifts to Bless Christ's Church

Episode 104 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. Can we prove that God exists; or that the Bible is true? 2. What are the great and unsearchable things in Jeremiah 33:3? 3. How can I discover my spiritual gift? 4. How important do you think it is to have powerful experiences of God working in our lives? 5. What is the most significant thing you learned about prayer in the last few years that you think people really fail to grasp? 6. Is salvation really by grace alone?

Understanding the Sign of Jonah

Episode 103 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. What is Abraham’s bosom? 2. What did Paul mean about head coverings in 1 Corinthians 11? Does this apply to us today? 3. Was Peter a true Christian when he denied Jesus 3 times? 4. What does Paul mean in 1 Cor. 14 that speaking in tongues builds up the person who speaks with tongues? 5. Are the seeds of Abraham from Genesis 12 the same things spoken of in Galatians 3? 6. How do you understand Matthew 12:28 where Jesus says, “If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom has come”? 7. What is the sign of Jonah?

Am I Suffering Due to Lack of Faith?

Episode 102 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. Philippians 4 says that we should always rejoice in the Lord. How do we do this? 2. I grew up hearing a lot about the Antichrist. Some people think he is a world leader others think that the Antichrist still hasn’t revealed himself. Who do you think is the Antichrist; and where in the Bible should I look to understand what to expect? 3. I have heard it taught that all suffering comes our way because we lack faith and that this is what the book of Job teaches when Job was making offerings for his kids just in case they had sinned. Is this true? 4. If God desires all people to be saved, why doesn’t he save everyone? Is this where free will comes into play? 5. What does Jesus mean when he says that not an iota shall pass away from the law?

How Do We Honor God When We Are Persecuted?

Episode 101 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. Hebrews 10:31 says, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” How does this work if God is love? Doesn’t love cast out all fear? 2. John 5:27 says, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.” If this is true, why do Christians still die? 3. Should we expect blessings to come with persecution? 4. Why does the Old Testament law commend slavery if it is wrong? 5. Why does Paul say that there are certain people we shouldn’t even eat with? 6. If Paul says that whoever serves Christ is approved by men, how does this work in a culture where it seems whoever serves God is anything but approved by men? 7. What does it mean to say Jesus is the Messiah?

What Does It Mean To Be Baptized In The Holy Spirit?

Episode 100 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. Is hell really a lake of fire? 2. Does God hear the prayer of unbelievers? 3. Are there new apostles today? 4. What does Paul mean in Ephesians 5 when he tells women to submit to their husbands? 5. How should I go about finding God’s perfect plan for my life? 6. What does it mean to be baptized by the Holy Spirit?

Does It Matter Which Day We Gather to Worship God?

Episode 99 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. In Jeremiah 15:19 it says, “If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman. Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them.” How might this apply to the church today? 2. Did the Roman Emperor Constantine switch the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday? 3. What do you say to someone who sometimes feels ashamed of the gospel? 4. Is Isaiah 7:14 really a prophecy about Mary and Jesus? I have heard that the word virgin there really means “young maiden” and that this verse can’t be used as a prediction about Jesus. 5. Does sanctification mean the same thing as holiness? 6. Would you agree that love is the most important teaching in the Bible? 7. In Galatians 5 Paul lists sorcery as a work of the flesh. Do you think that is an issue today?

How Should We Understand The Transfiguration?

Episode 98 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. Is it okay for a Christian to practice yoga? 2. Ephesians 1 says that Jesus has a plan to unite all things to himself. Will this include all people, even people in hell? 3. What is the difference between being predestined for adoption and predestination in general? 4. If Jesus was God, why did he not want to go to the cross while in the garden of Gethsemane? 5. Do churches determine the appropriate ways of spending the offering that they receive? 6. What do you think of the saying, “Preach the gospel always and if necessary use words”? 7. What happened at Christ’s transfiguration?

What It Means To Fix Our Eyes On Jesus

Episode 97 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. What does it look like to fix my eyes on Jesus? 2. If Jesus is the son of God how can he also be God? 3. How do you think Christians should be involved in or think about problems surrounding the environment? 4. Do you think Christians can learn important truth from Jewish Rabbis? 5. Should we wait for sanctification or strive to be obedient? 6. What does glorification mean? 7. Are heaven and hell other dimensions?

How Do We Crucify The Flesh?

Episode 96 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions. Show Notes Key questions answered in today’s show: 1. What does it mean in Mark 6:4-6 where Jesus marveled at unbelief? 2. How do we crucify the flesh? 3. Is it possible to be a Christian-Buddhist? 4. What is the difference between legalism and love?​ 5. How should we think about transhumanism, the idea that somehow technology can help humanity ascend beyond what we currently are?​

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