Summer Jaeger

On Being Unequally Yoked

This week we discuss the difficult topic of being unequally yoked, whether that be in marriage or with the world in general. How do we manage such a difficult thing, and how does the Bible encourage us in it? Join us!
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That Girl is Too Holy

This week we talk about sanctification, and the weird impulse that can sometimes exist to think that there are a class of Christians that you can never belong to. Join us!
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Your Flesh is the Thief of Joy

“Comparison is the thief of joy” they tell us over and over. But is it true? Is all comparison a thief? And why does sinful envy get to be rebranded? Join us!
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Let Love Cover It

This week we discuss unpopular opinions we are more than ready to defend and when you should just “let love cover it.”
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Cheerful Church Going

This week we discuss car cleaning habits and church going habits. Are we cheerful church goers, attending weekly with expectation and a readiness to hear the Word? Join us!
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Mind Your Business

You’ve heard us say it a million times: “mind your own business.” In this episode we talk practical application. If we are supposed to love our neighbor, how do we balance that with keeping our eyes inside our own fence? Join us!
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Stop Hurting Yourself

This week we chat about what it looks like to leave victim culture behind and press on despite what everyone else around us might be doing. Are we taking responsibility for how we view ourselves and the world around us?
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the means of grace

This week we discuss the basic foods that all Christians need to be consuming. These are commonly referred to as “the means of grace” and they are Christian living must-haves!
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What Not to Wear & Share

Join us this week as we talk about modesty – what it is, what it isn’t, and why you should very deeply and intentionally CARE.
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Teaching Your Kids at Home

This week we discuss cool socialist propaganda and the foundational needs for teaching your kids at home. Join us!
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