Alpha & Omega Ministries

Rome and Mary: the Sad Reality

James White, August 20, 2024August 20, 2024, Abortion, Church Fathers, Church History, Misc, Personal, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line After running our raffle and determining the winner of the wonderful Derek Melton blade, and after I spent some time talking about a neat and encouraging gift from a young man at Apologia, we turned to Roman Catholicism, Pope Francis, and the entire complex of Marian doctrines that are so utterly destructive to the gospel and to Christian experience. We will do another program tomorrow afternoon where I will be providing a response to Dr. Robert Gagnon on John 10:29 as well.
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Being Consistently Reformed, Talking With Muslims

Covered a lot of ground today. Started off mentioning this video on Eastern Orthodoxy, as well as this video on the communist infiltration of the West. Then we revisited how Reformed men should approach any topic, but in particular, the topic of the New Covenant, baptism, etc., in light of further comments made on last week’s debate with Jared Longshore. Then we played the audio of a 5 minute video I ran across containing a discussion between a Muslim and a Christian on a university campus. Went a full 90 minutes today!
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Final Road Trip Program for This Trip

Covered the waterfront today, so to speak, applying Christian worldview principles to a bunch of stuff that came up on my social media feed, including designer babies, gay mirage, and a bunch of broke wokeness. Started preaching a few times, I’ll admit, and Squirrel did his best to distract me, too, that mischievous little rodent!

Road Trip DL: Responding to Eric Conn and Andrew Torba

Today I was joined by Ivey Conerly to discuss the release of our new video, Why I Love Jesus But Reject Islam, posted below. It was great to be able to have this brother and fellow laborer in the Lord on the program, and I can’t wait to work with him in producing 40 Arabic Words, a Christian gospel presentation

Road Trip DL: Asking Some Questions of Eric Conn, Reviewing the Debate with Tim Barber

Our ISP is having…issues providing us with consistent internet access. We lost all connectivity about 30 minutes before the DL, but got it back. Then it dropped out five minutes before, so we have called them and they are “sending someone out” (you know how specific that is), so, for now, we are going to try for 3pm our time,

Debate: Does God Know the Future Exhaustively and Perfectly? Livestream Link

I was told about Bob Enyart’s “review” of the debate, and so I took the time to download three programs last evening, and listened to them while doing this ride today.  Bob Enyart is in serious damage control mode. He is spinning the debate madly, throwing out an amazing amount of ad-hominem, misrepresentation, and simple dishonesty. I have seen a

Road Trip DL: Responding to the Backlash on Mocking the Holocaust, Plus a Little Olympics Commentary

This week we celebrate, in a more focused way, the incredible claim (and it is incredible when you think about it! Christianity is radical!) that the Second Person of the Trinity, the eternal Son, entered into human existence, born of a virgin, born under the law, to redeem those under the curse of the law. I know I am utterly

Another Road Trip DL from Colorado

   Recently Dave Armstrong has been, once again, melting down. Our favorite dendrophilic apologist (my thanks to TQuid for that wonderful term, and please note, “dendrophilic apologist” is abbreviated “da,” so, it is doubly fitting) has, of late, become rather free in his insults, racking up an impressive list of ad-hominem commentary, which puts his oft-proclaimed ecumenical kindness in a bit

Star Gazing with Jason Lisle, Kamala the Marxist, Responding to Al Garza on Augustine and the LXX.

Sorry, folks, despite my best efforts I got what’s going around (not the flu, thankfully, but a bad respiratory infection), so I will be talking slowly today—an easy show for you to use your 2x speed on when listening!  Looked at 1 John 2:18-23 exegetically (and textually), then talked a bit about the session at G3 with Michael Kruger on

Road Trip DL from Santa Fe

Had a great time on the program today, covering three items: first, reminding folks that we now have the great “Read My Book” debate from 2003 available in mp3 format now, here. Then we reviewed, very briefly, some of Bob Sungenis’ anti-Calvinism arguments from up in Newberg, and then launched into the real reason for the Radio Free Geneva, the

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