Encouraging Stories, More on Romans 13, New CV19 Studies
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The Post War Consensus then Gold from the Prophet Jeremiah
For nearly two hours Pastor Jeff Durbin and I discussed ReformCon, beer tasting at the Boulders, Christian News, Marcus Pittman, a Thursday night tattoo session, JD Hall, holiness, sanctification, Christian freedom, and the role Internet polemics plays in creating simple falsehoods and controversies over fictional events. I had a few clips I did not get to, as it went longer
Road Trip: Debate – James White and Tom Riello, “The True Worship of God is Nothing Less than the Self Offering of Christ Offered Only in the Catholic Liturgy.” Christ Presbyterian Church, Mobile, Alabama, 10/26/24
April 1, 2023 – Debate – Is God Necessary for Ethics? Dr. James White & Pastor James Durbin vs Dr. Deen Chatterjee & Jared Anderson, Social and Behavioral Sciences Auditorium, University of Utah, Sponsored by Christ Presbyterian Church of Magna, Utah, and Ratio Christi, 201 Presidents’ Circle, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
Short Follow Up on Aquinas, TR Onlyism in the OPC
James White, March 3, 2022March 3, 2022, CBGM, Church Fathers, Church History, General Apologetics, Personal, Reformed Baptist Issues, Roman Catholicism, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line, Thomism, TROnlyism Started off with a few comments regarding some of the response to Tuesday’s program regarding Thomism, including a thread by Danny Slavich. Then we listened to key elements of a webcast promoting TR Onlyism from Greenville Presbyterian Seminary and, yes, we made sure to play the part where at the beginning they indicated that the Seminary does not take a specific position on the textual question at hand (though, I confess, I did comment on how that seems to be a hard stance to take). Went long today as we looked at John 1:18, 1 Timothy 3:16, etc. Almost a full mega edition today, so enjoy it, DL truckers!
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