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J.E. Smith and the Action of the Son in Philippians 2
James White, March 21, 2023March 21, 2023, Exegesis, Pastoral Theology, Pauline Studies, Reformed Baptist Issues, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, Thomism The entire program today in the big studio was to deal with the action of the divine Son in considering the equality He had with His Father and concluding that His equality was not to be held onto at all costs but, rather, that He would enter into human existence in the incarnation. We walk through the text on the big board and conclude that it is a perfectly valid question to ask what it means that the Son could contemplate His equality with the Father as a unique action on His part. Enjoy!
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The Aquinization of MBTS, Philosophical Trinitarianism, Responses to Soteriology 101
Was running solo again today but managed to dive into a number of topics as well as get into the original language texts on topics such as Paul’s use of Psalm 2, 8, 110, and the nature of Christ’s kingdom and reign. We also talked a bit about Derek Webb’s deep dive into spiritual darkness, and finished up looking at